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Let the Nordic Spirit in with Norrskin





Norrskin Sustainable Strategy

As a new skincare brand, we develop cosmetics and accessories but our ambition is much higher than that. We practice responsible consumption and production across whole company concept.

We developed our Sustainable Strategy as a response to what we feel we can contribute with towards Global Climate Change Process.


Norrskin has minimalistic and lean approach in cosmetics design.

  • We reduce transportation – all our ingredients and design elements come from EU distributors
  • We reduce complexity of our designs – we strive for raw look and raw finish of our products to embrace beauty of nature
  • We reduce amount of plastic, colorants and ink (additionally we use only non-toxic, recyclable water-based inks)


In Norrskin, we use recycled (Post-Consumer Recycled) Glass and Paper in our products.

Every launch has strongly developed sustainable packaging. In all our designs and packaging element we use 100% FSC certified paper. Where all transportation elements (box, stickers) comes from 100% recycled paper.

We are working on launching refillable products, where our clients could use 1 container multiple time and reduce consumer CO2 emission up to 67%.


In Norrskin we are aware of our environmental responsibility. After we produce and sell cosmetics, our mission continues.

Norrskin products’ packaging is fully recyclable. Where transportation packaging is biodegradable and compostable!

We want to educate our customers how to recycle our products and contribute to sustainable routines. On every packaging we display information how our customers can recycle our products also if they feel they cannot do it, we politely ask to send the packaging back. So, we can perform recycling.


We have a responsibility towards our planet, our surroundings and the generations to come. In Norrskin we:

  • only use FSC certified paper from certified partners – we support sources that responsibly manage foresting
  • are running Norrskin reforesting program called ‘Born to be Tree’ where we plant 1 TREE for EVERY sold product.
  • Before launching Norrskin we have already planted 30 trees!

Norrskin will reduce waste and plastic use in skincare industry
All our materials are recyclable
Norrskin would like to reuse post consumer materials like recycled glass or paper
Norrskin is replanting new forests in Madagascar

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Oscar winner Swedish skincare

Natural and Vegan products

Inspired on scandinavian regions

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