As one of our strategic goals is to repair the planet, we launched our signature program – ‘Born to be Tree’.
Focus of this program has 4 equally important parts:
- Actively reforest our Planet
- Supporting development, education in third world countries
- Prevent deforesting
- Reduce ecological footprint
Actively reforest our Planet
Norrskin has become reforesting eco partner with Grain de vie, primary reforesting partner in Madagascar, and committed to donate money from company revenue equal to plant 1 cash crop tree for every product sold.
One product sold = 1 tree planted
1000 products sold = 1000 trees planted
If you are making a purchase of 5 products in one order we will plant 5 trees.
Supporting development, education in Third World Countries
As a reforesting partner with our financial impact we participate in education of adults and children in nearby villages around Plantation Zones. Education plan is focused on importance of forests, reforesting methods and managing forest and its crops including harvesting as well as equal work rights for men and women.
By being active reforesting partner, we support workplace initiatives for local villagers in the planting activities and giving them full ownership, responsibility over planted trees. Whole process is enhancing local economy by creating new workplaces for men and women as well as giving source of income from fruit trees for future sales.
Prevent deforesting
Involving local communities in reforestation plays key role in preventing wild fires. Education, taking ownership over existing forests and building new one is crucial mindset change for villagers to stop putting forests on fire but protect and nourish it instead.
Reduce ecological footprint
In Norrskin we only use and will use paper from FSC certified supply chain We will continuously seek opportunities to invest and donate our assets in activities that reduce our own, as well as, social environmental footprint.
When do we plant and what?
In the end of every quarter, we summarize our sales and donate money no later then end of the first month of next quarter. Our reforesting partner Graine de Vie will organize planting cash crop trees (coffee trees, cash nuts trees) in shared reforesting zones in Madagascar, Togo, Benin or Cameroon.